Monday, December 7, 2009
New Group Show concept at Gallerycentric
Now curators, artists agents and gallery owners can hire out individual walls to artists and create group shows.
The manager of a group adds their fee for setting up and managing the show to the gallery hire costs and then splits the overall cost between the walls. The artists are then charged for the walls they use.
This makes it very affordable for the artists and they also benefit from being associated with the others in the group by bringing a larger viewing audience.
This is great for the curator or gallery wishing to expand and extend beyond their own gallery walls, or the artists agent without a gallery space. Artists can put their own group shows together too. It gives them an unlimited amount of exhibiting room, only paying for it when they need it. It's an elegant and very affordable way to hold exhibitions online. These exhibitions can also be show onsite and anywhere there is internet.
The process is really easy and fast. The manager puts the account in their name, then the email link inside the exhibition comes to them, this means any sales enquiries will come directly to them. Images of the artworks are uploaded my the manager and placed on each artists wall. Information about each work such as price, medium and inspiration is also entered by the manager at this stage. There is also the ability to add frames.
The commission charged is between the manager and the artists.
Once published the exhibition is shown on the managers website and emails can be sent out with links to it.
This is equally as effective for one person shows, and for the artist it is a fantastic way to show a gallery how an their work will look when exhibited.
Find out more @
or email
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Is it good to have your art purchased by an Art Museum?
At first look this might seem a fantastic moment. It was one that once upon a time came my way, many years ago now when I was young, new etc.
It didn't happen, and I still actually have that particular painting.. and I'm glad to have it.
WHY? Because I see people see it..
But I digress.. that's my personal story.
I've worked in a big Art Museum and have seen the enormous amount of great work they hold, on racks, in drawers, in basements... in the dark.. never being seen or seeing the light of day!!
What do think about this paradigm, where we the public pay huge amounts of money.. for art .. often good.. that we probably will never see again?
Yours thoughts and personal experiences.. if you have them please..
"Not Piccaso" by Noura Masri
Thursday, November 5, 2009
New exhibition at John Leech galleries
HISTORIES REPRISED from art and science
by Peter James Smith
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
New look and expanded directions
A few other changes to the wording and pricing plans have been made to reflect our new market focus which is primarily galleries and art museums. This doesn't cut out the artist at all, but we are not and never have been aimed at the "Starving Artist".
Gallerycentric is a new paradigm and one that is finding it's niche and although our biggest market one day, may well be individual artists, it won't be for now. We are a small company and need to put our effort where we will get the most return.
In an exciting turn of events we are discussing the inclusion of Gallerycentric within AUT's curriculum next year in a number of disciplines and holding a presentation and discuss session there on the 11th November.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Spanish social art site Noenga sign up
Noenga is a pretty full site with lots going on. It is truly multi-language, with artists exhibiting from all over the globe. ........certainly worth checking out.
There's some truly beautiful works in this exhibition and so eclectic, bringing artists from around the world into one space.
This has never been possible before GalleryCentric
John Leech gallery joins Gallerycentric
The first exhibition is their "Spring Catalogue 2009"
He's done a great job, you really can't tell that it is not actually part of their main site. All the buttons works and .. well go and see for yourself.
Artists include Shane Cotton and Colin McCahon, Francis Hodgkins and Alan Maddox and sinister Tony Fomison.
So if you can't get along to the show in person.. now you can. Go to the exhibitions page and then click on Virtual gallery then on the title "Spring Catalogue Exhibition 2009"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
October News
Our payments page is now connected. So you can now create and pay and publish your GalleryCentric exhibitions.
We have also added the inspiration box to the information for each artwork.
A new tutorial about how to best optimize your photographs will be available soon, as well as a sample exhibition you can view showing you the results of different pixel sizes and compression.
Optimizing your images will really help the speed of your uploads and the subsequent download of your exhibition. It will also help with making the navigation smooth.
More features are on the way soon.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Trance Art by Luna Olcott
Luna creates these amazing works whilst in a trance. It is obvious that this exhibition caputures visions from other worlds. These worlds and the characters that reside in them, could be described as energies, luminous forms scratched, brushed, blended into the mind of the paper she uses.
One feels extremely lucky to be able to view art like this. It is so, so different.
I have never seen work quite like this before. The scenes illuminated before one on the walls of this virtual gallery, throb with life, they almost dance or swim in front of you . You've just got to see it for yourselves. Time to experience it now.
Trance Drawings by Luna Olcott on now at
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
GalleryCentric is totally live now!!
For the first time in the worlds history, gallery art exhibitions can actually take place online.
This is no ordinary online gallery, GalleryCentric provides artists, art dealers and gallery owners with a new and more dynamic medium to showcase their art.
It is a place to choose your gallery space, and create your own self-directed, interactive 3d exhibitions. They are then published and integrated within your own website as well as being viewable from your own page on the GalleryCentric website. No massive lists to search through as each artist and gallery has their own individual link/address.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Average Time spent
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
ARTX 2009
Selwyn College in Auckland new Zealand is the first school to mount an exhibition. This was a one month artist in residence collaboration between a select number of art students and artists Dr Victoria Edwards and Ina Johann.
This is an amazing show!!
"STRESSERS" is an exciting exhibition by young artist Lane Worrall. A fierce show of black and white imagery screams at you from the gallery walls. This is Lane's latest photo shoot using Ella Pits a fellow artist for his NCEA exam.
"SUPERNATURAL" Inspired by the deep rain forests of New Zealand, artist Amanda Lane a GalleryCentric founder has been caught in the world where fauna and flora have merged to become one.
"SOCK DRAWER" Whilst emptying out her art drawer, ex disney artist Ellen Wilks as thrown it all over the walls of a GalleryCentric space, and the results of terrific!! Go look
"NITE SEA" Peter is normally known for his surrealist images in oils. Here is a departure that takes us into the time between day and night. Inspired by the amazing beauty of Waiheke Island off the coast of Auckland NZ, his home for 7years, he has over time to captured some of the astonishing scenes we see here in this exhibition.
"PORTRAITS" Olivier Duhamel has been holding a life drawing group since 2004. For this “Portraits” exhibition he has been cropping and enlarging some of his pencil drawings to create a series of very spectacular artworks printed on high quality paper.
...and there's more on the way.. watch this space or go directly
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A successful soft launch at Dorothy's Sisters last night. Amanda Lane our boss gave a wonderful speech to thank our tireless crew, Dr. Roy Davies, Ross Hawkins, John McBride, Ellen Wilks and our cast of visionary supporters and advisers.
She said that a number of people over the past 4 years had said " Why don't you get a real job" and that obviously, none of those would be here tonight.
I gave a small speech about why GC was created and about it's future possibilities which was followed by an amazing performance by local drag queens "Vera and Doreen" singing amongst other songs, "I will survive". So appropriate. We partied as late as launching a new website the next morning would allow.
Morning found us rather tired and having to suffer life without the internet or phone lines for the second time in a week.. courtesy of Vodafone. However it was up by 6pm and work ensued on the last few grumbling bugs as we trod on them and tore off their nasty little legs.
'orrible fings that they are.
New server names and transferring of the sites to them where created during the day by Ross Hawkins our developer from Ignition Development.
Test exhibitions are being created to use as examples for the beta testers that will come on board from around the globe over the coming week.
Selwyn college started to create an exhibition and test out which would be the best choice for integration of content into their site, Selnet. (more on that as it progresses)
An inquiry from Compendium Gallery in Lorne St will be followed up next.
So we are off to a ROARING!! start, with lots of exhibitions about to be hung and accessible from our site very soon.
Author: Peter Worrall is a visual artist and 3d animator who has recently started Gallerycentric.
Anybody is welcome to re-publish this article as long as this link is published with it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
GalleryCentric is about to GO LIVE
GalleryCentric breaks the online gallery mold. It is a place where artists and art dealers can choose from a selection of 3D galleries, create exhibitions and show them on the world wide web, from their own websites. After years of hard work, GalleryCentric is about to be born.
On September 7th the website will go live. Designed by artists for artists, here the global art community can view art in an elegant 3D gallery. Using your mouse or keyboard, you can view art from any angle, up close or collectively from a distance, as though you were standing in an actual gallery in Soho. Actually–anywhere in the world.
GalleryCentric blurs the line between reality and the internet like no other virtual gallery. Artists, artist’s agents, art dealers and gallery owners can use GalleryCentric as a 3D virtual host for showing their works.
Our Exhibition Creator allows you to upload your artwork via simple instructions to create an online exhibit that launches from your website. We have a selection of galleries, so you can choose whether you want to curate an intimate or a group-sized space. Each gallery has an elegant interior with adjustable framing and positioning. The size of the artwork is shown to scale. Each exhibition has a title, artist or group name and a 150-word description. When you’re happy with the curation press the "Preview" button and see your exhibition in the 3D gallery.
Previewing enables you to make decisions about what edits you want to make in your exhibit. Simply click back to the Exhibition Creator and make the changes before you publish it. Once published you’re allowed to make edits for 30 days.
Ready to show your exhibition to the world? Here are the options available:
- can create a link to a GalleryCentric display page
- can embed your exhibitions within your current website
- dont have a website? We can create a personalized webpage for you, specifically designed to showcase your GalleryCentric exhibitions
Every exhibition has your specified contact link accessible from within it, so clients can easily make contact about buying your artwork. We can also provide e-commerce solutions if required.
GalleryCentric has email templates to send to your client list.